
Have you fallen off the wellbeing wagon?

It’s easy to do over the summer holidays but the important thing is that you clamber back on.


Here are our 3 easy steps to help you:


1) Admit it: This is the first and most important step. Admitting and wanting to do something about it will set you on the right course.


2) Review it: Now to set you up for success. Have a good think about what went wrong and what you can do to prevent the same from happening again. Was it time, money, dislike of what you were doing? Address each issue honestly and creatively. If your evening classes were being squeezed out by long hours at work then perhaps look to early morning classes to set you up for the day and prevent that internal guilt.


3) Plan it: Now put a plan in place of activity that you enjoy. Add it to your calendar, book your classes, arrange that walk with a friend and each week reward yourself for sticking to the plan. Plan your reward in advance so you have something tangible to look forward to – a massage, manicure or new exercise clothing will be a wonderful motivator.


Most importantly – enjoy!