
Daily De-Stress with Laura

As life starts to get busy again with return to work and school, we wanted to share with you three techniques you can easily fit into each day to reduce stress levels.   Don’t wait until stress levels are high to take action. Including small changes into your day can prevent those big cortisol spikes…

Hip Stability Secrets with Susan

Good hip health is essential to maintaining a wide range of pain free movement and avoiding potential surgery in our later years.   We chat to Susan about the importance of hip stability and how to maintain good hip health.   We hope you enjoy! https://vimeo.com/669617376 Instagram Facebook-f © All Rights Reserved 2021

Improve Your Posture with Mickie

With many of us spending far too much time at computers and on phones, improving posture is something we talk about a lot in the studio. Many of us are aware that our shoulders are rounding and our head is projecting forward, but what can we do? We chat to Mickie and she shares her…

Overcoming Roadblocks to Exercise with Krissy

We are very excited to share with you the first of our weekly Health Hacks. Here we chat about all things health & wellness and share our top tips for you.    After the Christmas holidays, we all have the best intentions to start moving again, however for some of us, the roadblocks are real.…