
For clarity and calm… just take 5

While we’re not suggesting you jump onto your desk and meditate when things get stressful at work, you can however, take a few minutes to de-stress.. A few minutes of deep breathing will go a long way to calm your mind and re-energise your body.   – Sit securely in your chair, feet flat to…

Maximise Your Hydration

We all know it’s important to drink water to stay hydrated but when are the best times to drink so we maximise the effect on our bodies and minds (and avoid late night bathroom visits!).   Eight glasses per day is widely considered the optimal amount to be drinking. If the weather is particularly hot…

Strengthen your Willpower Muscle

Have you ever been in a slump and the making of good wellbeing decisions is just too hard? When the extra glass or two of wine and dessert plus missed exercise classes seems the easiest path. It could be that your will-power muscle just needs a little work. In the same way that muscles strengthen…

Release tight hamstrings with these 3 yoga poses

Did you know that your hamstring is actually a group of 3 muscles running along the back of your thigh, connecting the pelvis to the knee? Many of us experience tight hamstrings which, under added pressure, can lead to strains and tears. Keeping hamstrings supple can greatly reduce the risk of these injuries. The tightness…

Have you fallen off the wellbeing wagon?

It’s easy to do over the summer holidays but the important thing is that you clamber back on. Here are our 3 easy steps to help you: 1) Admit it: This is the first and most important step. Admitting and wanting to do something about it will set you on the right course. 2) Review…

Ten Habits of Happy Women

It’s often the little things that can tip the balance from being stressed, worried and tired, to feeling in control and happy. Here are some habits of happy women that when put in place have big impacts. 1. DON’T SAY YES WHEN YOU MEAN NO This bad habit is a joy-killer. If you prefer a…

Tried everything and still can’t sleep?

Sleeping well can be tough during these hot nights but for some people this is the norm. If you’ve tried the usual recommendations (dark room, no caffeine after 3pm etc) with no joy. So what else can you do to get a better nights sleep? 1. Establish a regular sleep routine.This helps to set your body…

Forget the Fads

Do you feel exhausted by yet another health fad? Sometimes it feels we’re being constantly bombarded by advice on what we should and shouldn’t do.  It feels like yesterday we were packing in the proteins with Atkins and jumping around in step aerobics. Today we’re adding goji berries to everything, juicing our lunch and grabbing…

5 Signs you’re emotionally stronger than you think

Emotional strength can seem like an abstract term. It’s an essential part of responding to difficult situations, but many of us don’t know we have it. When times get tough, it can sometimes feel like we can’t handle it. Emotional strength is an essential skill that most of us don’t see ourselves as having. Sometimes…

How to Maximise your Energy Levels

Our energy levels can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster, especially at this time time of year. Here are our 6 top tips to help you maintain more energy to do the things you love: 1. East foods rich in iron We all need iron for the production of energy from glucose, essential fuel for the…