
Why Sociable Exercises Make You Fitter

Going to the gym on a regular basis can be a struggle. Whether you’re busy at work or at home (or both), or you just can’t drag yourself off your sofa to go running, there are hundreds of reasons why we put off exercise. But still, exercise we must. So, how can you find an exercise…

The midlife health checklist: how to maximise your wellbeing in your 40s and beyond.

In our 40s we need to take better care of ourselves, says Anna Tyzack. Here are 40 ways in which you can maximise your health, happiness and wellbeing as you meet midlife head on…. There is no louder wake-up call than crossing the threshold into middle age. Turning 40, according to cancer specialist Dr David…

Balance is not just physical

Our physical, mental and emotional selves are intricately linked and so it stands to reason that if we’re feeling anxious and unsettled that we will find it near impossible to balance on one leg. In the same way, if we work on our physical balance we will find nervous feelings start to abate and we will experience…

10 Good Reasons to Keep Learning

Many of think that learning stops once we finish school or university but scientists are continuing to discover the importance of learning in brain function and our mental health. Here we share 10 reasons to explore, discover and enrich your world. 1. Avoid boredom It’s easy to become disinterested and unmotivated when we’re not stimulated.…

The Importance of Hydration

When the weather is cooler our water consumption can drop. To maintain good health, ensure water stays part of your everyday routine. Hydration Habits Keep a bottle on your desk or in the car Have a glass of water upon waking to re-hydrate the body Add a squirt of lemon or lime juice to add a…

8 time saving hacks for working mums

White British Mother And Children Having Breakfast In Kitchen Together

As working mothers there just never seems to be enough hours in the day to get it all done. Try out these realistic hacks to bring the balance back into your life: Prioritise your sleep. We all know that functioning on too little sleep can lead to irritability, inefficiency and ultimately, health issues. If you…

Overcoming the Overwhelm

Why you’re feeling overwhelmed – and what to do. If, like many of us, you have a ‘to do’ list that reaches from here to infinity and it just keeps growing, it’s time to make some changes your list. LISTS The first step to not allowing this to get you down is to recognise that…

The Power of a Positive Mindset

So what is a positive mindset? We particularly love this description from Kendra Cherry at Very Well Mind (2017B): “[P]ositive thinking actually means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad things; instead, it involves making the most of the potentially bad situations, trying to see…

Building your immunity

Super food concept for fitness with fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs, spices, and nuts with foods high in antioxidants, anthocyanins, dietary fibre and vitamins.

Your Immune System Marches On Its Stomach Like any fighting force, the immune system marches on its stomach. It needs good, regular nutrition to stay strong if it is to offer protection from various illnesses. If you are restricting your food intake, don’t eat the recommended 5+ vegetables per day then you could have lower…

Incidental Exercise – What is it and how does it help us?

Jack Russell Terrier in harness walking on loose leash

We can make a considerable difference to our health, fitness and weight just by incorporating more movement into our day. Not only does regular motion keep the body more supple and the mind clearer, every movement uses energy. Becoming more sedentary as we get older means we lose this valuable and beneficial effect on the…