
Tweak your week

Sometimes small changes can make a big difference to our wellbeing. Instead of stressing about not fitting exercise into your busy working week, consider wider options. Perhaps take an early morning class. This will set you up well for the day ahead, not only helping you to feel calmer and more focused but will leave…

How Do I Recognise Hunger Signals?

One reason that many of us are not at the best weight for our body is because, somewhere along the line, we stopped listening to our body signals that naturally tell us when we’re hungry and when we’re full. The signals are still there, but we’re out of practice when it comes to paying attention…

“I can’t do yoga – I’m just not flexible”

If we had $1 for every time we’ve heard this comment… Let me ask you – do swimmers improve their times by not swimming… do golfers reduce their handicap by not practicing or do yoga instructors become flexible through not practicing yoga? No doubt you get the point. There isn’t anyone who can’t benefit from…

5 Ways to Embed a New Habit

Portrait of a girl reading a book while sitting on a small wooden wharf.

To establish a new habit, we need a certain amount of discipline. There are however some tricks to make the process easier, whether it’s adding something new to your life or stopping something you’ve been doing for years, we’ve put together some tips and tricks to make things easier. 1. Remove Temptation If you planning to…

Six Foods which help reduce Anxiety

Turmeric essential oil and tumeric powder with green leaf isolated on wood table background.

Anxiety is suffered by many people and is characterised by constant nervousness and worry, sometimes related to poor brain health. Here are 6 foods which can help lower the severity of symptoms: 1. SALMON Containing nutrients that promote brain health, Salmon contains vitamin D and the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA…

The 3 Best Yoga Stretches for Sitters

Young Businesswoman Stretching Her Arms With Laptop On Desk

After a long period sitting, whether on a flight or at the desk, your body is usually not feeling the best. Swollen legs, tight hip flexors and sore backs can cause discomfort and make it near impossible to get comfortable. Try these three delicious stretches to bring relief: (1)  Overhead stretch Stretch arms high and…

Our 3 top tips to maintain a healthy body

Happy mature woman with towel around neck looking away at home

Life is busy. It seems now we have less time than we did 10 years ago. So how do we maintain a healthy, active body and mind the older we get?   It’s time to put a few key habits in place to ensure we maintain the healthy body and a strong, sharp mind. 1.…

Meet the Instructors

Natalie has recently left the corporate world after 10 years to pursue her passion in wellness and fitness. Her main interests are in supporting the community with strength, mental health and injury recovery. She took part in her first Pilates & Yoga class over 10 years ago in London searching for a form of exercise…

Top Tips to Staying Active when Life Gets Busy

Here are our top tips to staying active when things start to get busy or you feel like you’re losing control.   1. Anything is better than nothing. You may have planned to do that double class or go for a 10km run but that window of time just got squeezed. Don’t feel guilty –…

Getting Back into Exercise

Has it been a while since you last exercised? No problem… whether you’re now ready to get back into it after an injury, illness, a run of late nights at work or festive season nights out, you’re likely to be a little apprehensive about taking that first step back through the studio door. Whatever the…